Monday, May 19, 2014

First Days in Bend!

We have finally moved every last pet and belonging up to Bend, Oregon. Last Friday we arrived at 1:30pm, after driving straight through the night (we left LA at 11pm). It was an exhausting trip, complete with headaches, a slap in the face to stay awake, and bickering about music. But we made it!

The first thing we saw, on the outskirts of town, was a dead deer with 3 vultures perched on top of it. My mom said it was just the "circle of life" and that we are starting a new one, and it's definitely not a bad omen. But does that mean that LA is the dead deer? HA.

Unpacking, if you've ever moved in your life, is a bitch, and this is what our place pretty much looks like:

Obviously we're still a work in progress. I did however, get my crocheting yarn all organized, and that looks pretty cute!

Saturday and Sunday we got a taste of "small town" life. At 12:40pm on a Saturday, we decided to brave the local Costco in search of a new vacuum cleaner. In any major metropolitan area (Chicago or LA, in my experience), this is a hellish time to go to Costco. Parking sucks, everyone's there for the free food samples, and checkout lines would be astronomically long. Not knowing what to expect, we pulled up to a half empty parking lot, with plenty of close spots left. There were plenty of samples available for everyone with no waiting, and we were the third people in line at the check out. Crazy! The rest of our errands this weekend (to Lowe's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Trader Joe's) were similar. Tons of parking, short lines, no crowds. WHERE IS EVERYONE?

This morning, I was gung-ho on starting our new schedule. Unfortunately we didn't go to yoga, but we did do a 45 minute morning walk on the river. It's a high of 61 degrees today, so it's a bit chilly and overcast, but still gorgeous! 

Plus, we are really happy to be away from the SoCal heat right now. Our pets love the chilly weather, too. SJP is super active in her ginormous pen. We gave her the whole dining room since our new home has more space than we know what to do with!

The rest of this day, I'm sorting out my writing time, reading time, and trying to figure out what sort of schedule I want to run. I do feel a lot of pressure to produce something, as this lifestyle is seriously ideal and I want to be able to keep it going as long as possible. Day one has just begun!

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